Cleaning Materials VS

























Olympic vs. Penofin.

Twelve years ago when I started to seal our furniture, I researched every product on the market. Price was not an issue. I labeled and applied the recommended amount of sealer to a dozen boards. I put them on the roof for a year. Penofin was the hands-down winner. It cost $30 a gallon and I grudgingly applied two coats to everything we sold. It preformed well and practically eliminated customer complaints of checking.

Eleven years later in June of 2001 a customer called and informed us about the Consumers Reports recent article of wood sealers. They studied all brands over a four year period. Penofin didn't score very well. To my amazement Olympic had two products that ranked #1 and #2 in the study! I called Olympic and requested a meeting with the regional sales director: Mr. Gordon Biels. He explained that although these two products were both great, Olympic has a third and brand-new product that is even better! He told me about Olympic Maximum. They claim it protects wood from turning gray for a minimum of three years!

Click the "next" button to find out what exactly makes Olympic my choice.